LETTING GO OF "THE RULES" For most western lolitas in 2024, the rules of lolita loom large, even as a joke—we know that showing your knees is legal, but we also know this was once a topic of debate. Whether or not they're rules or guidelines, certain criteria draw a dividing line between Lolita and Not Lolita. You've probably seen one of these "anatomy of lolita" illustrations floating around online: During the oldschool era, visual guides to lolita fashion also appeared. Here's one from Fruits v. 37 (2000), that suggests a headdress, frilly blouse, bangs, natural makeup, crown jewelry, low-heeled shoes, and, of course, Brand: There's a difference between these two illustrations—one describes the agreed-upon elements of lolita fashion for viewers interested in lolita, while the other is drawn from observation of actual lolitas and aimed at a much broader group of readers. Does the lolita in Fruits v. 37 look like a lolita to you? CULTIVATING OLD ...